Monday, August 30, 2010

Monday's Class

August 30th

In class on Monday we first came into the classroom and went over the agenda and homework for that night. The homework that was due for today was to read section 1.1 and came up with the 6 types of questions, and to gather leaves for the lab that day. We handed in our homework in the bin, and went to our lab stations to complete the Sample Experiment part in the packet which was pages 24, 25 & 26 based on the sample given us. Once our group finished, we pulled out the page and also turned it into the bin. After, we spent a few minutes trying to determine the names of our leaves. By then we were ready to start the lab. My group tested leaves by size, and so far we noticed that the bigger the leaf, the more pennies the cup will hold. Towards the end of class, we completed page 27 in our UP packet, asking us what the matierals, procedure and variables were for our specific experiment. Although we didn't all finish the experiment, Mrs. Stein did remind us of a few things before class ended. She told us that if we didnt understand the homework and didnt do well on it, or just never handed it in then we should ask to make an appointment with her for a homework pass before September 4th. She also reminded us that if we were having any problems with moodle, email her.
The homework for Monday night was:
-Read appendix B A-14/ A-15
-Quiz Thursday
-Rip-o-meter write up- 9/9 (UP pages 31-32)
and virtual microscope that you can find on moodle.